MHM: providing defence logistics related input to, and the conduct of, the Commercial Defence Ready program on behalf of the South Australian Government. The program successfully assessed over 240 South Australian companies’ capability to position themselves to bid for, and win, defence related contracts.

Swordfish Computing: providing data sourcing and formatting to support the DSTO Training Technology Mission in the development of the Army Sustainability Modelling and Reporting Tool.

Defence Science and Technology Group: providing Project Management and Logistic Specialist advice to projects supporting future operations, including:
- the development of Future Joint Logistics Concepts,
- the use of Coloured Petri Nets to model ADF logistics networks,
- Defence Logistics Transformation Planning,
- Combat Service Support to future forces,
- logistics simulation and analysis for wargaming support options
- Technical Risk Assessments

Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia: providing Defence-related subject matter expertise to ParsonsBrinckerhoff’s infrastructure study for Army’s estate rationalisation plan for Adelaide.

Salentis: providing introductions and advice to the successful meat and dairy product export management company which links producers in Argentina, Brazil and Chile with Australian and other international buyers.


Defense SA: